Good Character, is a combination of multiple attributes that a person can attain, if one is willing to persevere.
This track, came from a journey or perseverance, as the tracks that I was writing months before did not come together as I had wished. Then in a spurt of 3 weeks, some of the best music I had written at the time suddenly emerged.
We are called to be in a state of readiness. Ready in season, and out of season. It does not mean to be working all the time, or obsessed with one thing or another, but it does mean to be willing to take action, and be ready to apply the knowledge you have already attained.
There are generally two calls in life about application. One is that you have to learn it on the fly, in the moment of things, and the other is that you learn it one day at a time, and later on it life you apply what you have gradually learned.
The applying at the time of learning, can often be filled with stress, and lead to corruption of character, where by our willingness to stay in good means, suddenly eludes us as we spiral into a panic of stress and disorder. Therefore, it is much better to be in a place, where you do not worry yourself with not being able to use the information and knowledge that you have attained. Instead wait for the day, and behold it will come, as you press on, that you will get to use all that you have worked hard and diligently to acquire.
The one who approaches life, in a more reasonably calm manner, is one who is headed to keep in good character, when trouble, strife, crisis or disorder appear. In those times, the one who has pursued good character will be able to take wise advise and apply it, listen to it, adhere to it, and realize and know it is wise counsel.
This video is a June bug, that was on my doorstep one night, and I took a video, because the june bug knows if it keeps trying, it will eventually flip itself over. The amount of preseverance that this tiny bug has, to me, is quite amazing. I think in life, that is a good lesson to learn, that even when things look upside down, if you keep at it, things eventually turn up, and eventually if you keep trying, you can get back on your feet.