Onitod – Making Sense of it All [ Album: Looking for the Sunshine ]

Making Sense of it All, is an electronic piece, featuring many old vintage analog synths, including Juno-6, juno-60, Juno-1, Juno-2, U-110, U-220, P-330, Jd-800, JD-990, TR-909, among others.

This song starts out as pure confusion, and then finds resolve. Such is life, how many times we face uncertain things, and then find resolve only much later on. Press forward, and move on, and you too shall make it through this trial. Life is filled with trials, and your trials are like mine, we all face them, but we all have the opportunity to make it through, and to pass through that will is around us, or before us.

This video is an abstract video, and it coordinates with the theme. A lot of things in life do not make too much sense, and they are difficult to sort out. Dealing the cronic issues, day in and day out, is taxing, and frustrating, and for those who go through them, they are hard burdens to get a hold of. This album reflects on those struggles, and the nature of depression, going through the cronic issues, you are always hoping that there will be a day, when it ends, when what you are dealing with stops being an issue. Keep hoping, and keep looking for the sunshine, or things in your life, that you have to look forward to, and adopt a plan to be grateful for those things which you do have, and appreciate what is good in your life, that helps make it better, and can sustain your life through some long and unknown passageways.


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