Tag Archives: cancer

Onitod – 09282014_107 [ Album: Every Knee Shall Bow ]

Every Knee Shall Bow, is a track that has a chill and cool jazz feel. The song is composed of bass, classical guitar, hollow-body guitar, featuring vox amps, and Ibanez guitars and basses. The track was not named at the time of posting, and keeps its original name, meaning that it was recorded on Sept 28, 2014.

The track is enriched with a live lead from a Roland SH-101, that heard near 2:45, of the playing time.

The album title is written from the point of the believers, that everything is calm and cool, because what God said has then come to pass. Seeing that this was as expected, there is a calm sense of peace and security, because the certainty of the Lord is being fulfilled before their eyes.

The track is designed for meditation and relaxation, upon, where it is beneficial to think about the hope that is far ahead, rather than what is going on right now. The calm believer, is aware of this, and steadies themselves for the rocky road, that leads to the day of peace.

It is this concept, that the believer does not recognize that they are exempt from danger, but that they will be protected, or guided through it. The idea of being prepared for an adverse situation is not so common in this day and age. Though in some corporate or government ways this policy might vaguely exist, this concept is relatively foreign when it is concerned with an individuals scope.

It might seem foreign to look for protection in a time of distress, which is what leads many people to panic, worry and fear, and it is those emotions which turn into actions, that cause much of the turmoil and distress in life to begin with.

Learning the possibility of options and outcomes coupled with enough self-control to seek some wisdom and guidance, is a step to a doorway of peace and a fulfillment of needs being met. The ability to restrain the actions, based on underlying motives, where one is aware enough to distinguish whether one is acting in peace, or worry, or anxiety, from a place of panic, or of sound mind, is a major difference in the outcomes of life that you can expect, since they are often fueled by this simple point of view.

A simplicity of change in the most critical moments of a stressful situation, can bring an enormous amount of peace and comfort, no matter the amount of adversity that one may face. This concept is highly regarded as the ability to change perspective, or to change one’s hope about what is actually possible and even achievable. Be well, and take care my friend.

I have put together some preview tracks. I am about to publish 16 albums, from content that was created between 1997-2014. For the next batch of music tracks, they will feature PREVIEW on the splash screen, and so that means that this track, is one song of an album-in-progress. The track may or may not be in its final mastered form. During this preview promotion, you will get to hear a good many different styles that I produced over the years, and will get a feeling for what is coming down the pipe. All the songs are copyrighted their original content year, and the albums will be formally published in 2015. Once published I will update links on the videos to the iTunes and Amazon, and other places that they music will be available. If you would like to use the music for commercial purposes, you can contact me, and we can talk about your needs and find something that works.


“Live” Grieving

“Live” Grieving is the process in which you are able to grieve, about someone while they are living. It is the time in which you are able to grieve in real time.

If you are dealing with cancer or a terminal illness, you know what a bleak future might look like. But the time you have now can be seen as utterly more precious.

I do not like to look at life, with the idea, that the future is one-hundred percent set in stone. Some may like that, when life is going swell, and everything is looking up. However, when a downturn in life, changes the outlook, I do not like to be trapped in a no-happy-ending-story. Therefore I choose to adopt a set of beliefs, that look for and pursue that which is opportunity, possibility, and infinite hope.

No matter how much your future may look like a dead-end, there is no better day than today, to decide that you can become something more.

I saw a family a few months ago, and they had two kids. The youngest was as healthy as could be, but the oldest was in a wheelchair completely disabled, in a sort of M.S. form. I could not take my eyes off of the family, as I looked at them, and realized that they all had a love for each other that was purely genuine. I enjoyed just sitting in the restaurant and watching them give and receive love freely.

I felt their story, as I ate my dinner, and thought about their journey as a family. I could see their love for each other in the tenderness that they treated each other with. I could see how they equally and individually loved each of their children.

I know the question, that some would ask, if your one child was born disabled, why would you have another child. But that would be ignorant to the love that this family shared. To them they were grateful for everything that the Lord had blessed them with, and because they were thankful with a grateful heart, they were able to enjoy all that they had to the most joyous peak of capacity.

To see one’s days as numbered, as I was talking with someone recently, I explained how I was more grateful to have someone pass away, with a long-term or known date of death. At least in that way, I would have had my time to say good-bye and move on, asking last minute questions, and allowing a live grieving process to take place.

I can honestly say, that some of the worst circumstances to come to mind, is the sudden death, or when you go to look up a long past friend, to find out that they died, and are no longer reachable. In these types of ways, I see them as worse as cancer, because there was no letting go. One minute someone is here, and the next they are gone forever.

Perhaps, when you are faced with a dreadful situation, you will reflect on some encouraging ways to look at your life now, and find some simple inspiration.


Onitod – Simple Inspiration [ Album: The Future of Music ]

Simple Inspiration, is the notion that hard things do not have to be complicated, that not all journeys are difficult, and that perspective is everything.

If you are dealing with cancer or a terminal illness, you know what a bleak future might look like. But the time you have now can be seen as utterly more precious.

I do not like to look at life, with the idea, that the future is one-hundred percent set in stone. Some may like that, when life is going swell, and everything is looking up. However, when a downturn in life, changes the outlook, I do not like to be trapped in a no-happy-ending-story. Therefore I choose to adopt a set of beliefs, that look for and pursue that which is opportunity, possibility, and infinite hope.

No matter how much your future may look like a dead-end, there is no better day than today, to decide that you can become something more.

I saw a family a few months ago, and they had two kids. The youngest was as healthy as could be, but the oldest was in a wheelchair completely disabled, in a sort of M.S. form. I could not take my eyes off of the family, as I looked at them, and realized that they all had a love for each other that was purely genuine. I enjoyed just sitting in the restaurant and watching them give and receive love freely.

I felt their story, as I ate my dinner, and thought about their journey as a family. I could see their love for each other in the tenderness that they treated each other with. I could see how they equally and individually loved each of their children.

I know the question, that some would ask, if your one child was born disabled, why would you have another child. But that would be ignorant to the love that this family shared. To them they were grateful for everything that the Lord had blessed them with, and because they were thankful with a grateful heart, they were able to enjoy all that they had to the most joyous peak of capacity.

To see one’s days as numbered, as I was talking with someone recently, I explained how I was more grateful to have someone pass away, with a long-term or known date of death. At least in that way, I would have had my time to say good-bye and move on, asking last minute questions, and allowing a live grieving process to take place.

I can honestly say, that some of the worst circumstances to come to mind, is the sudden death, or when you go to look up a long past friend, to find out that they died, and are no longer reachable. In these types of ways, I see them as worse as cancer, because there was no letting go. One minute someone is here, and the next they are gone forever.

Perhaps, when you are faced with a dreadful situation, you will reflect on some encouraging ways to look at your life now, and find some simple inspiration.

Simple Inspiration is a song about short and sweet. Sometimes melodies last a while in your life, sometimes they are short and sweet. So no matter how long the melody lasts in your life, enjoy the one you are currently listening to.
